
Lunar Astro Magazine 2022-2023


Lunar Astro Magazine Volume- 4 (2022) is now available in a subscription plan

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Original price was: ₹2,680.00.Current price is: ₹499.00.
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*To be delivered in INDIA only – If you purchase with any other address than India, you will be provided e book only and there will be no refund.   Sharing the new version of Lunar Astro magazine as last year when we started this magazine with intention of sharing knowledge it took us time to find some rare gems across the country especially in Uttarakhand and Himachal to share some of the core secrets of astrology. This edition you will get flavour of what we have unearthed, I can’t explain the length and breadth team has gone through to get this knowledge for everyone, here are some of the articles in upcoming magazine. Every article is going to be a gem in itself but to deliver you this on time, I would request you to subscribe now so we can plan better.  


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